
Started shooting the brand ad a few days ago and things are looking good.
Even though the SA crew keep f**king things up and now we have to shoot tonight instead of having a night off to party.

Part of this shoot involves a time slice camera set up, like the one used on the Matrix, so I thought I'd show you some highly confidential pictures of it. 80 cameras all set up to fire off at the same time and record data from 180 degrees.

It's only confidential because the guy we're using apparently invented the thing and someone copied his idea and used it to shoot the matrix. The dude's never really got over that and keeps trying to make his rig better and better. But subsequently is paranoid to shit that someone's gonna rip it off again before he can patent it... Like anyone really gives a toss. He's Canadian but now lives in Geneva. He's the most boring man I've ever met and when I asked him what it's like living in Geneva, he said "boring". Which I think proves my long thought belief that only boring people get bored.

Anyway here's a few pics from our shoot so far. Don't spread them round... Oh shit... i've just stuck'm on the world wide web.


p.s Oh, and the last one is the view from my pool. Peace. F

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